Thursday, June 19, 2008

Child Health Week - Day 4

Today we headed to Shipungu Community School - only 7 km North of the health centre - along the railway line and then a stretch along the power line - for the day's session in the Shipungu Zone.

It was interesting to watch the local volunteers strip some bark off a sapling in the bush to use as a rope to hang the scale, for weighing the children, from a tree where we had our gathering.

It was a busy session as we dealt with 136 children and we worked without a break until 4:00 p.m. to get through. Nurse Ednah yet again amazed me by then wandering over to the netball field and joining in a game with the young girls. She kept up a good pace with them for almost 20 minutes - she's such a character. We were then given a late lunch of nchima, vegetables and fish - always welcome and delicious after a long day of work !

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